Tuesday, October 26, 2010


There is a little note card on my computer desk. It is mostly buried under other crap but I can see the word 'TIMELINE' sticking out. I know that wasn't the original intent of the card, but it snaps me back to my own timeline. I had a dream about working back in my old job last night. I recently had a dream about aliens invading Earth and firing balls of lightening out of their ship while I was being scolded by a nun. I consider the dream about going back to my old job the scary one. I've still got so much I want to do before I go back to the grind. Like everything. But I guess the party has to end sometime.

Anyway, I've just finished my two stories for Life After Death for the coming month. The new ones will be posted starting Nov. 1. Hooray. Go, read 'em. Comment if you get the hankering.

I believe I have someone to draw my comic too, which is awesome. Though I don't want to jinx it, I'm really excited about it.

Now to get the TV show ball rolling.

Oh, and my grandfather is having a street named after him tonight. So I'll be at that little shindig.

That's about it. Talk towards you again soon.

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