Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Progress Meters!

Alright, we've got my as of yet untitled noir short story, looks like it's going to be about 4-5000 words, so we'll say 4500:

Also, my book of short stories is cruising along, I've got 30 out of a probable 35 stories done (12 by me and 18 by other fantastic writers) and have completed initial editing on all but the ones that I haven't written yet and begun doing the layout for the finished product:

In other news, I'm starting to reinvent my comics project ever so slightly, though that is far from finished. I am excited to really get going with it. I've also got a novel project that is far, far from finished and has been in a holding pattern for a while, but, what the hell, working title is Alan's Story, but that will change:

I also have a couple of stories queued up for Life After Death, but that's been a bit slow going lately. Should have those up sometime shortly-esque.

And that's all the progress that's fit to print. It's good to remind myself that I'm not doing completely nothing.

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